With the most wicked sense of humour in the business, she’s mayhem with a capital M. We took her to a Coney Island fun fair and she gave us a wild time. Come on, baby, gonna take a little ride.

"I always wanted to be a superhero so I could save people and be the centre of attention. I also had this weird passion for dentistry and loved looking inside my mouth. Weird."

The one tribe I would pledge my allegiance to is … The Illuminati because I want to know the truth. I first started playing the drums when … I started tapping out rhythms and noises in my head and then decided to articulate these through an instrument, and the drums were my choice. I have been playing ever since. Favourite cult film? Spice World. When I see myself on screen ... I cringe.

First impressions are ... Always right, I always go with my gut instinct. If I could jam in any band it would be … To conduct the Mozart Orchestra. My sister always tells me … To give back her clothes. My defining personality trait is ... My hyperactivity.

FASHION Gillian Wilkins
MODEL Cara Delevingne @ Storm Models London
HAIR Andre Gunn @ The Wall Group
MAKEUP Chiho Omae using Chanel Beaute @ Frank Reps
STYLIST'S ASSISTANTS Carly Day, Katie Boyd and Kyanisha Morgan.