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Behind the scenes from Didirri’s ‘Blue Mood Rising’ film clip

Have I been used? I don’t do this for you.

Singer-songwriter Didirri takes us behind the scenes and through the filmmaking process for his latest video, Blue Mood Rising.

"Small things can often spark my imagination. I found this broken light bulb in the gutter of my friends' shared community backyard. I have no idea who it belongs to. It eventually made its way to being the cover art for the song, held up against the blue sky and then again with me in this clip.

I love the significance of a light bulb being an idea, usually new or out of the blue. The bulb also says ‘Trust me, I know what I’m doing.’ but a broken globe …"

"The blue tarp protects the white suit. I get incredibly nervous wearing things that are not my own. Although obviously a tarp can be quite sinister, especially in the setting of an old courthouse holding cell."

"The basement floor is the original cell floor. When we were initially looking into the place, we had no idea about downstairs. It was, at the time, being used as office storage."

"The lyric ‘blue mood rising’ is a reference to an uncomfortable feeling bubbling up to the surface. Knowing that time is ticking away. If you don't make a decision, it will be made for you. We couldn’t resist the blue moon faced clock. Although, this clock had actually stopped ticking, it’s the same time in every shot."

"It was amazing to work with this group of beautiful people."

"It’s surprising how many people go into making a music video with only one performer (if you don't count dead people).

It was amazing to work with this group of beautiful people. Especially those who volunteered to lie down and pretend to be a dead version of me.

Rachel, the photographer who took most of these photographs, actually plays me twice. You can see her hand in the bathroom shot and she is laying down face planting the marble staircase, the only crime she committed was having similar hair to myself."

"For some reason a kind of craziness overcame me and I decided to order an iced coffee in the middle of a rainy day. It was a decision that I regretted, especially since it came wrapped in so much plastic.

Lunch was good though. This is my ‘I am hungry but it’s all going to be okay now because I have food’ face. I put on my Vida Festival shirt for eating though, just in case."

"This is Nathan, they chose all the beautiful outfits, “versions of myself” on display here. It was a pretty big struggle to stay in character with them around. They have an incredible way of making me laugh, not always at the right time."