Begin by jotting down three things you're grateful for. One: your morning coffee. Two: the smell of rain floating through your window. Three: someone to share it all with. Rinse and repeat. Gratitude can have a transformative effect on our daily lives. Recognising the abundance that surrounds us has the power to lift us out of any funk and root ourselves in the present moment. An Organised Life is reminding us of this simple, yet potent habit with its Gratitude notebook.
After the popularity of their past iterations of Gratitude notebooks, An Organised Life have crafted a new vegan leather version, a chic point of difference from the previous textured card cover. For this new iteration, "gratitude" appears on the cover, front and centre, as a daily mantra and inside you'll find a card with a number of journalling prompts. The result? A minimalist notebook, to sit in your handbag, on your bedside table or next to you while you work.
It may sound obvious, but often when we're consumed with our own perceived faults and shortcomings, the parts of us we wish could be different, we forget how much we have to offer; and in turn how much the world has to offer us. Especially in the past 18 months where challenges seem endless.
During these times it's helpful to pause and take stock. Some of us have already integrated this practice into our routines, setting aside time each morning or evening to acknowledge what we're thankful for. For others, this could be a neat new practice to carry with you into the New Year. Either way, filling out your Gratitude notebook from An Organised Life feels like an achievable form of wellness.
You can shop An Organised Life's latest Gratitude notebook from Monday, November 15, where each journal is priced at $35 AUD.