Sometimes all it takes is one song. Or a lucky break. Sometimes success is the result of years of hard work and creative outpouring. For Amy Shark - singer, songwriter and musician - it was a case of all three.

A slow burn and eventual explosion saw Shark make her mark on the music scene this year with breakthrough single Adore - and when we speak to the singer she’s enjoying a brief respite from touring at home on Australia’s Gold Coast. “I’ve got my guitar right here and I’m going to finish writing a song I started last night,” she tells of how she’ll be spending her downtime. “Touring, I’m figuring out, is very taxing on your body. It is hard work.”
“Everything happened and escalated very quickly for me. The crowds are getting bigger and bigger.”

“Everything you hear is something that has been eating away at the back of my mind, or has happened or is going to happen or has already happened.”
Spending her high school years surrounded by “really good singers, like Mariah Carey style singers”, it took time for Shark to grow comfortable with her sound. The result is a voice that is powerful in its vulnerability. And after those brooding, autobiographical lyrics captured the attention of music producers and record companies, a life on stage - once inconceivable - was ultimately inescapable.

Adore was recorded with producers M-Phazes and Cam Bluff - known for their work with hip-hop artists. A song written quickly in a burst of inspiration, it’s a soulful, raw ode to love and longing. “I love intense lyrics, she explains. “It’s just what I get off on.
“There is going to be an album next year. I’ve just got so many songs. Next year is looking like it is going to be a fun year.”

FASHION Ellen Presbury
TALENT Amy Shark
HAIR & MAKEUP Corinna Wilmshurst