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Isolation diary: night walks with photographer Amelia Dowd

From isolation, in Melbourne photographer Amelia Dowd shares a meditation on the little things in life through her lens over the past few months. Street lights, the wildness of nature and the way the light falls.

How do you stay creative in isolation?

I’m listening to way more music than normal, I find that the most inspiring.


What are some of your daily rituals?

Hot water and quiet time in the morning, coffee and a run before starting work.


What are you reading / watching / listening to?

Reading: Kindred by Octavia E. Butler. Watching: Endless reruns of Drag Race. Listening: ASMR.


How do you and your partner navigate isolation together?

I think we've become really good at giving each other space to work on our own projects, and finding time to cook meals together.

How do you stay healthy (mentally and / or physically)?

Reminding myself that I feel the best when I make good choices helps me a lot. Moving/exercising in a way that feels good, eating in a way that makes me happy. Taking quiet time in the morning to do affirmations.


What do you appreciate the most right now?

Coffee, photo books, opportunities.


What do you miss the most?

Hugging my family.

How do you stay healthy (mentally and / or physically)?

Reminding myself that I feel the best when I make good choices helps me a lot. Moving/exercising in a way that feels good, eating in a way that makes me happy. Taking quiet time in the morning to do affirmations.


What do you appreciate the most right now?

Coffee, photo books, opportunities.


What do you miss the most?

Hugging my family.

What are you currently working on?

Personal projects involving still life and long exposure night photography.


What is your current state of mind?

Slow and steady wins the race.