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A cookbook, but not as you know it: intuitive eating with The Secret Kitchen Book

A new way to think of food, wrapped up in a neat little package courtesy of The Secret Kitchen Book. A project from Jana Brunclikova, the hand-bound publication combines artisanal craftsmanship with the beauty of food, for a guide that teaches you not only how to cook, but how to embrace a more holistic and natural lifestyle. Focusing on a shift from the ‘rule based’, three-meals-a-day eating schedule we've long subscribed to, the book instead focuses on eating to follow the needs of the senses, inspired by ancient rituals and alternative knowledge.

The Secret Kitchen Book is a work of art in and of itself, the kind you want displayed on your coffee table rather than tucked away in a kitchen cupboard. The aesthetic is reminiscent of the beloved family scrapbooks you’d sit and make with family on a Sunday afternoon. With a hard cover, exposed spine, hand stitching and recycled paper scented with essential oils, you're immersed in an experience before even opening the first page. Inside, the beauty continues. A collection of film photographs, poetry by Léa Fernandez and, of course, recipes are interwoven together to tell a story of health and wellbeing, all in the most beautiful bundle.

Brunclikova was inspired to make The Secret Kitchen Book to support her own interest in natural health. Inspired by her idyllic childhood amongst nature and her current work in naturopathy, Brunclikova realised that modern humanity has lost touch with their own forms. The Secret Kitchen Book is a one-stop-shop for rekindling the sacred connection between the body and the soul. With a limited run of only 250 copies, The Secret Kitchen Book is the most beautiful addition to your culinary universe.