Arts / Culture

Share your words – ‘RUSSH’ invites you to enter its Literary Showcase

Introducing our 'RUSSH' Literary Showcase Judge's Choice Winner: Becca Wang's 'Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto'

“You'd die of shame at the thought of showing anyone what you'd written. Somebody somewhere says that 'the urge to preserve is the basis of all art'. Unaware of this thought, you keep a diary. You keep it not only because it gratifies your urge to sling words around, everyday with impunity, but because without it, you will lose your life, its detail will leak away into the sand and be gone forever.” — Helen Garner


Our words matter.

In Australia, two thirds of authors are women. More than 80 per cent of these women have attended university or have a post grad degree and yet, less than 20 per cent of them earn a sustainable income from writing.

Our developing culture is deeply dependent on the recognition of the literary contributions of under-recognised groups, but this work – across all genres – needs greater exposure and significantly more opportunities to be published and shared across media and in communities.

As a platform for creative minds, RUSSH believes in the power of storytelling and unique and original creation. In honour of our 20th anniversary, we are forging a space through this Literary Showcase for Australian writers – established, emerging and aspiring – to be supported in their dream to write and be read.

Our vision is to send the message to emerging writers that those from under-recognised groups in literature can not only be recognised, but can in fact create change and be celebrated.

We are calling out for all aspiring and emerging writers to enter a piece of their work to be considered by a panel of leaders within the field, inclusive of Winnie Dunn, Tongan-Australian writer and editor from Mount Druitt and General Manager of Sweatshop Literacy Movement; Lamisse Hamouda, a youth worker, writer, poet, performer and workshop facilitator who has published her first book The Shape of Dust (Pantera Press, 2023); and RUSSH Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Jess Blanch.

A shortlist of writers will be featured on, where finalists will be chosen – a selection by our panellists and one ‘People’s Choice’ finalist by our readers. These finalists will have their work featured in print in the May issue of RUSSH Magazine, on sale 16 May.

In championing literature by under-recognised groups and profiling authors, poets, screenwriters and journalists, we dream to lead a dialogue that forms a diverse and supportive community with a love of the library.


When do entries open and close? And when are the winners announced

Entries open on 11 March and will close on 25 March. Judging commences on 25 March. The Finalists who are eligible for the Readers' Choice winner will be announced on 8 April. Voting will close on 15 April. T&Cs apply.

Winners will be announced in our May issue of RUSSH on sale 16 May.


What kind of work can I submit? And where can I submit it?

Entrants can submit short fiction, screenplay, poetry, essays and features in accordance with the following word counts:

  • Essays, features and narratives: 2000-3000 words
  • Poetry: 800-1200 words
  • Screenplays: 1000-3000 words

Please make sure your work is in PDF form. You can submit your work on our submissions page.

When are the finalists showcased ?

Our Judges' Choice finalists and Readers Choice finalist will be featured in the May issue of RUSSH which is on sale on 16 May.

The winners will also receive a profile on


What is the prize?

In addition to a feature in the May issue of RUSSH and an author profile on, the following prizes will be awarded:


Judges' Choice Finalist

Writers residency - location to be confirmed.

RUSSH writers fellowship for remainder of 2024 ― which includes at least $5,000 in paid writing commissions within RUSSH.


Readers' Choice Finalist

Mentorship with a published author and advocate.




This project has been made possible by CHANEL.

CHANEL is committed to continuing the artistic patronage initiated by Gabrielle Chanel. Gabrielle Chanel was never without books. They added to her life; they filled her life. It was from literature that she undoubtedly drew the strength to accomplish her work as a designer. It was literature that undoubtedly drove her to invent an allure that is eternal yet inscribed in perpetual modernity.


*Editor’s note: in the context of this article, we use “female” to denote people with anatomically female sex characteristics. We use “women” to denote gender and to refer to people who identify as women. There may be exceptions when language is taken from a direct quote.

*Terms & Conditions apply.


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