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Who you are is up to you: Matilda Dods in Nique’s new gender-neutral capsule collection

"There is a kind of elusive sexuality that exists in the spaces between explicitly masculine and feminine." Matilda Dods takes us into her home, shows us her androgynous style and her affinity for David Bowie.

"I don't leave the house very much, I enjoy the company of my books, cat and boyfriend a bit too much. We shot this at home the day after we got home from a month away, so I was excited to reacquaint myself with our small slice of Darlinghurst. Consider it … postcards from our place."

"Our cat's name is Babou, but he gets called an insane amount of silly nicknames. I like to call him Clawed Monet when he's being naughty, which is often. A lot of the time we just call him Meows."

"I find a very specific kind of beauty in the androgyne, there is a kind of elusive sexuality that exists in the spaces between explicitly masculine and feminine. I feel like I have spent a lot of my life trying to live in these spaces."

"I feel like David Bowie perfectly personified this space throughout his life. Here is me and our print of Bowie and our lamp from Bunnings ..."

"I've always felt very attracted to gender-neutral dressing, as someone who has been raiding my dad, brother and boyfriend's wardrobes since I was a child for a pair of trousers or shirt that makes me feel like Diane Keaton in Annie Hall, clothes that don't live in a designated side of the wardrobe are very attractive to me. Save money, fight consumerism, overthrow capitalism, share clothes with your significant other."