1/5 From left: Aleyna Fitzgerald @aleynafiztgerald; ESTĒE LAUDER Advance Night Repair serum.
We escaped to the beach for our endless summer issue with our all-Australian muse. Here, Aleyna Fitzgerald lets us in on her beauty must haves.
My morning beauty routine is …
Very simple - splash face with cold water when I first wake up, and then drink a litre of water. I try and drink lots of water, it helps flush the toxins out and keeps my skin feeling super hydrated. I also try to have hot water with lemon!
My nightly beauty routine is …
To firstly use micellar water to remove any makeup, dirt or oils from my skin, then use a light foaming cleanser to help cleanse, and once a week I’ll use a face exfoliating cream. Afterwards, I use my overnight recovery serum and natural hydrating moisturiser and evenly apply over my face and neck. For body I always use oils or moisturiser after my shower.
My favourite product is …
Estēe Lauder Advanced Night Repair.
My favourite body products are …
Any natural hydrating moisturisers. I don’t have a brand that’s my favourite but must be all natural and feel light on the skin.
My favourite form of exercise is …
Pilates! I live by it.
When my body needs to recover I …
Go get an infrared sauna or cryotherapy. Especially after a busy week working or long-haul flights.
My favourite detox is …
To put my phone down and read a book. It always improves my mood and my mind feels clearer. Brain fuel is so important!
When it comes to beauty I always …
Go for a natural look.
My beauty icon is …
My mum. She’s always told me to embrace my inner beauty and less is more when it comes to everyday makeup. She has more skin care products then I do! Her skin is flawless.
The best advice on beauty I’ve received is …
“Don’t pluck your eyebrows!”
The best health advice I’ve received is …
To look after your body, it’s the only one you’ve got.
The product I can’t live without is …
Lip balm. And eyedrops during flights.