Beauty / IN THE BAG

Valentine Bouquet, au naturel

Coconut oil post-flight, oranges post-workout – Valentine Bouquet has more than a few tricks up her sleeve. The Dutch model lets us in on her simple beauty routine and her thing for Brooke Shields.

Beauty / IN THE BAG

Charlee Fraser knows nourishment is key

Proving the power of a haircut, Charlee Fraser’s fringed bob has set her star soaring higher than ever. Here, the model and RUSSH girl sheds light on her supermodel icons and rituals for a healthy body and mind.

Beauty / IN THE BAG

Antonina Petkovic’s home truths

Hers is a face you can’t forget, with honey-toned skin and hair you wish was yours. RUSSH regular Petkovic takes us through her beauty bag, full of secrets from her homeland, and shares the rules her mother taught her.