1/4 From left: CÉLINE SS 17; AGNES HAY X ALEX EAGLE earrings; THE WHITE BRIEFS briefs from My Chameleon.
‘Be spartan’. That’s what I’m about these holidays. It’s time to simplify and live below my means. So long as my ‘necessities’ can include an ice-cool martini every day at five.
Escaping ...
Byron Bay holds many great memories for me and I’m looking forward to making some more this summer. Rae’s on Wategos is a magical place; nothing superfluous, just the luxury of the beach on your doorstep. I’ll be celebrating my birthday this year on the terrace eating oysters with friends. Besides the beautiful beaches I love The Roadhouse, the Worn Store in Bangalow and that you can buy just about everything you need at Santos Organics.
Essentials ...
Linen. I’ve fallen in love with it all over again and this time I’ll be wearing it loose with a black swimsuit below. A white T-shirt and white jeans (Ellery has done the greatest this season) will also be on repeat. A special evening means a piece of gold jewellery like these Alex Eagle earrings and Hermès’s Galup ring. My only beauty essential is Rationale Sunscreen.
Celebrating ...
I’ll be giving white cotton knickers, toothpaste, because you can never have enough, and linen housecoats by Summer & Storm. Being practical feels like a new indulgence.