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On tour and in film: Emerson Snowe takes us on the road

Music man. To celebrate the release of Emerson Snowes debut EP, That’s Rock ‘n’ Roll, the artist shares exclusive behind the scenes photographs of his headline tour across the UK.

"Probably something that this project has allowed and opened me up to do is actually get to meet new and fantastic people, it’s amazing to think that these people may be your own age and have grown up on the other side of the world - yet you end up together somehow.

I met Jessica through Instagram and we met up in Manchester, we still talk and I love her photography and the way she sees things. I’m seeing her soon on this tour I’m on now to catch up and shoot again."

"I’ve been over to the UK three times within the last year, one of the exciting things about coming back is forming my live band for a few shows. I was living in Paris and I had put together this group of people (most had never met) to play my music - I think it’s special how something can come together so naturally, when in reality you didn’t think these people existed until you meet them - then you can’t really imagine your life without them being there. I have a new band for this tour and it’s sounding good. It’s hard for me to be in some ways a controlling person when it comes to conducting a band - this time last year I was very much too wary of others' feelings and put them above my own when it came to my own art.  It’s something I’ve learnt and something I’m growing into."

"I stayed at [Britannia] Sachas Hotel in Manchester and it was unreal - each room was completely different and it was really exciting walking through it. Jessica had told me how interesting the spaces were before we arrived there. Writing this I guess a lot of this is being thankful for being able to do what I do and see these strange places that in my head didn’t exist until I walked into them."

"My last drummer let us use his father’s studio, his father (Glen Tilbrook) who is one of my idols ended up coming to our shows and was a fan!

There was something about walking into the studio and seeing so many instruments and guitars that all had their own stories about them. It was all pretty fascinating and something I still hold dear, that what I do can show me these things."

"A few days before this tour I had actually gone through a pretty rough time, even throughout this tour I had to learn a whole lot of things about myself - a lot of which I didn’t want to face in the way of my vices or my actions - more so towards myself than anyone else. I didn’t realise I was kind of hurting at this point, it was pretty obvious now looking back on it. I think I’m still far from being comfortable with myself, but these songs come from somewhere and I’ll just role with it for now, because it’s all I can do."

"This image was taken before heading out to the show in Manchester that night. Wearing the makeup is something really natural to me - I like the contradiction it has with my music. I’m not sure how or why it started but it’s something I enjoy and gets me into a new space where I’m ready to perform. Maybe it’s the ridiculousness of it that I find entertaining. I’m always trying to entertain myself - and I guess this is what it’s all about."