Paradise found. From helicopter rides over impossibly blue seas to the beating heart of the rainforest and the reef, model Samantha Harris takes us to Tropical North Queensland for a most secluded escape.

"This is beautiful - down on the beach behind Cape Tribulation Beach House in The Daintree Rainforest [go there by the way - its crazy remote and super rustic but cabins on the beach, barefoot bbq dinners, no phone coverage for an e-tox] there is this hanging floral heart that the locals love and maintain. This is the spot where they say the rainforest and the reef meet - it’s literally the heart of the tropics. The Heart Of Cape Tribulation. The road trip out here is epic and there’s something crazily wild and beautiful about The Daintree that takes you to another place in time."

"There's something about a smoking ceremony that is quite emotive for me. That feeling of cleansing and letting go. It's powerful. The walk through Mossman Gorge on a guided dreamtime is something you have to tick off your list at least once. You can feel the power of nature here - it’s literally like a third dimension. Make sure you take your shoes off and put your feet in the water when you arrive at the gorge. It’s just one of those perfect moments."

"This is Josephine Falls and it’s special. I was told first thing in the morning is like nothing else up here ... We arrived at 9am and it was incredible. I loved sitting and on these big beautiful rocks. I felt like I had to get to touch one before I left. A few of the guys travelling with us jumped in the water and said it was like a baptism. Fresh, untouched rainforest water. I wasn’t brave enough to dive in."