1/5 From left: ACTIVIST Manuka honey ; Emily L’Ami @bodhamodernwellness.
With enviable rituals and a love for the small things, New Zealand-born perfumer Emily L’Ami shares her tips for home-made recoveries, the products she can’t live without and the power of good energy.
My morning beauty routine is …
I like to get up while the house is still quiet and it’s a little dark out, make a pot of tea, light some incense and meditate. My husband’s a designer and often working on a new natural beauty brand, so after a shower I’ll test out whatever new product is in the studio.
My night beauty routine is …
Before bed I like to scent my bedroom with some Calm Ritual oil in my Ritual Oil diffuser, have a cup of dandelion tea and try to read a few pages of something before I fall asleep.
My favourite products for body are …
A body brush, Bathing Culture Body wash & Nucifera’s The Balm.
My favourite form of exercise is …
Hiking. We go for a hike every Sunday afternoon in the canyons around L.A.
When my body needs to recover I …
Make home-made chicken broth, have a spoon of Activist Manuka and visualise my body filled with golden healing light.
My favourite detox is …
I think our bodies are perfectly designed and remove waste as long as we’re supporting them with water and a balanced diet. I’m more into doing small things every day to take care of yourself. Slow and steady wins the race.
My favourite retox is …
A martini at Sunset Tower bar.
When it comes to beauty I always …
Think a good energy is the most attractive thing about a person.
My beauty icon is …
Isabelle Huppert and Christy Turlington.
The best advice on beauty I’ve received is …
‘Treat your skin like you would a fine silk.'
The best health advice I’ve received is …
‘Don’t eat anything your grandmother wouldn’t recognise as food.’
The product I can’t live without is …
Therapeutic perfume.