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Lakshmi Pillai sends postcards from India

Owner of digital ethical fashion boutique, Saaki, Lakshmi Pillai travels regularly across the world to source artisanal finds for her business. Following her latest trip to Kochi, a major port city in India, she sent RUSSH a collection of her fondest memories on the road.

"The city of Kochi in Kerala is scattered across a number of islands linked by bridges and ferries ... The architecture is a combination of old colonial teakwood mansions with sloping roofs, open courtyards alongside open-air cafes, art galleries and traditional spice shops. The cuisine makes abundant use of traditional Keralan flavours together with its Portuguese influence," says Pillai. "I personally love the contemporary culture of Fort Kochi which is diverse & multicultural as well as a secular community of Hindus, Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists among others. It's also the biennale city of India, where traditional spaces and warehouses across Kochi are filled with contemporary art and creative performances over the three months."