To celebrate the release of their latest single, Warrior Games, Kayex's Tom Derickx and Palassi Kailis share behind the scenes captures and insights into how fear can be the most powerful fuel for creativity.

"We wrote Warrior Games while we were in Melbourne visiting our close mate Lionel Towers late last year. We were in a weird place mentally, dealing with a few creative and personal obstacles."
"One of the biggest challenges we were facing was having a lack of confidence and questioning the new music that we were making, pretty much not backing ourselves in any decision-making."

"All of the emotions that we were feeling came from a place of fear."

"Fear that we have invested so much and that people may never hear/appreciate our work. While going through all of this, we reached out to a few mentors who reassured us of what we are doing and that this is all part of the journey. In essence, when people listen to Warrior Games we want them to feel as if they have no fear but complete confidence in their path, whatever that may be."
"Trust the process and have faith in the work you've put in.”