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Julie Adams ‘Beach Series’ is all about summer rituals

Beach days, sandy flip-flops and sticky skin. All summer moments captured in Julie Adams photographic art series Beach Series.

Large scale prints are now available from this life-long body of work, and now Adams is taking the time to reflect on both the series and her career.

Adams’ personal work is very much an insight into her intimate life. She is renowned for her portraiture, but also her work with landscapes. Landscapes of environments that are meaningful and precious, which is why Australian beach-scapes play such a starring role across her work. Adams is intertwined with the sea - her love summer beaching, the sandy feet and crashing waves is something that spans over 20 years.

"Beach Series is a body of work I have been working on throughout my career - almost sub-consciously. It is un-orchestrated and very much ‘moments in time’ capturing my fascination with beach culture, beach landscape and rituals. The work is primarily shot in Australia encapsulating our authentic endless Summers but this series also includes work shot abroad, " says Adams.

“I love the rituals and nostalgia in beach life. I love people’s social and emotional connection to the beach. I love the way people run into the ocean, dive off a jetty, warm in the sun and how they blend seamlessly into the landscape’s natural beauty. My eye is drawn to the beauty in it and I think it will be a subject of continual fascination for me.”


"I have chosen works that shine a light on ‘Home’ … given 2020 I think there has never been a year we have so appreciated this beautiful country we live in and its coastline. The majority of works on show are Australian - with some Italian additions that have great relevance to me."


The people featured in her quintessential Australiana images are just ordinary people - the ones enjoying all that our land has to offer. It's a look at people in their purest and most honest form. Her pieces capture the moments of personal joy in a way that captures the very essence of her own joy in bearing witness. Each work is a loving tribute to an environment that inspires joy from within the soul.

Prints from Julie Adams beach series can be found at Smith Made.


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