Destinations / Home

Heading home: soaking in the Sydney sunshine, feet in the sand

As the temperature drops below freezing in New York, I’ll be back on home turf soaking in the Sydney sunshine with my feet in the sand.

Escaping ...
This holiday period I’ll be escaping the New York winter and returning to my home town of Sydney to stay with my family in Darlinghurst. I really love the parks around the area especially down by the harbor in Rushcutters Bay, so I’ll be taking our family dog, a dachshund named Dasha, on long afternoon walks stopping along the way for coffee at one of the many local cafes – Australian coffee really is the best in the world. I also plan to spend as much time as possible at the beach, set up for the day under an umbrella with a good book.

Essentials ...
I’ll be travelling light – just the basics: sunglasses, a wide brim hat, light summer dresses, denim shorts and cotton tees. Sunscreen is a must, as is leave-in conditioner after an ocean swim. I’ll also be packing a few books that have been on my reading list for a while now starting with The Rest is Noise by Alex Ross.

Celebrating ...
For me, eating a delicious meal in the company of my nearest and dearest is the ultimate celebration. To welcome the new year, I plan to do just that – settle in for a long, suitably indulgent dinner with friends as we catch up on everything and anything over bottles of champagne and endless plates of food.