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Holly Fewson at Ellery Gallery

Riding in cars with girls. Holly Fewson has long depicted the female experience through her painting practice. It is a discourse the artist revisits time and time again, posing questions surrounding the innate contrasts of femininity, strength, sacredness and sexuality. For her latest exhibition, Cars, Fewson explores other elements of juxtaposition, with racing cars painted alongside ripe fruits and sensual female scultpures.

"I started this series thinking about female success, power and its symbols," explains Fewson. "From here I began to explore themes of perfection in form and design; perfection created out of that which is fecund and highly functional. I wanted to discuss ideas surrounding worth and what's deserved vs. what is assumed desired, and how ownership permeates the female experience of success." Of the exhibition, designer and creative director Kym Ellery says, "I am passionate about supporting female artists. Holly is an exciting painter who has a unique perspective, and I look forward to seeing her exhibit in the Ellery gallery."

Cars opens tonight at the Ellery Gallery, Paddington, hosted by Fewson and Ellery. The exhibition will be on display through January 5, and is available for viewing by appointment or during gallery hours. Read more on Fewson and her practice in our Spiritualised issue, available for purchase here.