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The future of food and drink

The world is changing, and so are our tastes - it's cool to care about where our food and drink comes from, who it's made by and how it gets to us. As part of this years Vivid Ideas programme, the team at Westmont Pickles presents a conversation with some of the best talent in the food and beverage industry on the community they work with, creativity and what the future of food and booze in Australia might look like. Panelists include ACME's Mitch Orr, beverage director at Belles Hot Chicken, Christian Robertson, and co-founder of Young Henrys, Oscar McMahon, and the conversation will be moderated food writer Maggie Scardifield. The Future of Food and Drink will be hosted at the Museum of Contemporary Art on May 27 from 3-5pm. Tickets are available for purchase here.