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Christiane Spangsberg: In A Crowded Place, NY

“The exhibition is about the feeling you get when you are surrounded by people, how you perceive the people around and why you perceive them that way.”

Christiane Spangsberg has always felt terrified in large crowds. In an effort to understand that fear, the Danish artist did what she does best: took what was on her mind and applied it to her practice. The result: an artistic exploration comprised of ten individual works that make one united piece. For this latest exhibit, which will run over three days in New York, Spangsberg worked predominantly with the colour blue. “I used the colour so you might notice how everyone is occupied in their own world, or box, you could say,” she explains. There is also a series of one-line works completed in 2015. “They are very subtle and almost fading away compared to the strong blue pieces. They are the people you at first sight don’t see, but they are still there.”

The exhibition will run from June 15 – 18 at 208 Bowery, New York.