Beauty / Horoscopes

Aquarius in 2019

The Water Bearer
January 20 - February 18

You were born an individual, Aquarius. You were born to stand out and stick up for something you believe in. While you love humanity as a whole, you have always felt one degree off from the rest of humankind.

It can be a lonely road towards your destiny, but this year is going to bring you some good company along the way.

2019 is going to help you forgive your past in order to embrace your future. As Saturn, the great teacher, moves through your twelfth house of the subconscious, you will be forced to come to terms with your actions up until now. How have you disappointed yourself in the past? Where are you still making excuses for your behaviour? How are you not living up to your full potential? When it comes to the twelfth house, the key to forgiveness is understanding.

Remember you are human. Remember that you are perfectly imperfect. Remember that life is messy and complicated. And know that you are always worthy of a second chance. So make amends where necessary, to yourself and others. Change your behaviour, in concrete and sustainable ways. Whatever you do, just keep working towards the person you aspire to be and moving towards the life you want to have.

And from there, don’t look back. Jupiter, the planet of luck, will be moving through your eleventh house of friendship and associations. You thrive here, Aquarius, because you are the sign of the people. Jupiter is just going to make sure you find the right ones this year. She is going to bless you with like-minded folk. The kind of people that don’t just respect, but encourage your beautifully weird way of viewing life. The type of group that accepts you just as you are, creating a safe and nurturing environment for you to embrace your true identity. And the calibre of friendship that truly wants you to succeed. If you have ever felt alone in a crowd before, know that those days are behind you.

This year you are going to find your tribe. You are going to find your homegroup. You are going to find your wolfpack.

Nadine Head-Gordon is an astrologer at Nadine Jane Astrology.

PHOTOGRAPHY  Kitty Callaghan
ART Jedda-Daisy Culley