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Annie Hamilton in Iceland

“Spending so much time alone seemed to make me more observant, and with these photos I aimed to capture everyday moments in the changing light as the days grew shorter following the autumnal equinox – the light seemed to move slower as the sun lay low on the horizon, flooding everything in what felt like a day-long golden hour, until it was dark again.”

Annie Hamilton wears many hats. The Sydney-based multidisciplinary artist is a musician (formerly of the band Little May), fashion designer and visual artist, with a creative output that seems to know no bounds. Although her work spans many different platforms there is always a pervading sense of craftsmanship and care that imbues each song, garment or illustration she conjures – finding connection with others through the smallest details of her creations. In the latter half of 2017 Hamilton spent two months living as an artist in residence in the north of Iceland, writing music and designing her next collection of clothing. Here she shares with RUSSH memories from her time living in the isolated region, from morning walks into the mountains, afternoon trips to the town cafe to drink coffee and write or lying on the rooftop each night waiting for the aurora borealis.