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Annalisa Ferraris in paradise

The space between. Abstract realism artist, Annalisa Ferraris, brings her liminal world of minimalist architecture, abandoned pools, and signature splashes of pinks and blues to her first offshore solo exhibition in the heart of paradise: The Slow at Canguu, Bali.

Launching Ferraris's career in 2015, China Heights Gallery, Sydney, collaborates with The Slow to showcase her self-titled exhibition in the voided spaces in which her imagination can run free. Working with acrylic on timber for both precision and the opportunity to play with the imperfections of the wood, she draws inspiration from the unusual relationships humans have with places that are temporarily inhabited, and colours it with vacant dreams, rose petals and cigarettes.

Annalisa Ferraris will be on display at The Slow's gallery space of - Room 13 - in Canguu, Bali, from June 15 through August 13.