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A Moroccan sojourn with Acting Editor Billie Iveson

From the chaos of the local marketplace to Christian Dior's breathtaking runway collection, Acting Editor Billie Iveson takes us on a whirlwind trip to Marrakech.

Stay ...
La Mamounia in the heart of Marrakech. Beautiful gardens and a pool to laze beside for hours.

Eat ...

We dined on the first night at Bahia Palace where local musicians greeted us throughout the walk-through the palace. Dinner was served amongst candlelight under the stars, with Moroccan tagines presented on bespoke ceramics.

Lunch overlooking the pool at Villa Addi.

Do ...
A private tour of Yves Saint Laurent's house and Jardin Majorelle, such an inspiring look into the private world of their retreat - no photos allowed.

Show venue was Palais el Badi, an incredible venue that imbued the feeling of being in another world. Christian Dior's Cruise 2020 collection highlighted the local artisans while being exactly what we want to wear now. White dresses and head scarves were a highlight, with an after party to end all parties, featuring Diana Ross performing in the open air and a crowded dance floor.

We bought Beni Ourain carpets and Moroccan slipper shoes from the local markets to take home as a momento of a truly incredible trip.