Rebecca Yarros’ Onyx Storm is one of the most anticipated new books of 2025. With Iron Flame ending on a jaw-dropping cliffhanger, fans are eager for the third instalment in the Empyrean Series, set to release on 21 January. As Navarre and the venin’s war heats up, Onyx Storm promises to be the most intense entry yet. Here's everything you need to know about when and where to grab your copy – whether physical, audiobook, or e-book.
When can I get a physical copy?
Book release event attendees will get first access at midnight on 21 January 2025 (including in Australia, despite the time zone difference).
If you're planning to snag a physical copy at release, some bookstores are hosting midnight launch parties on 21 January. These events are ticketed, so securing a spot in advance is crucial (you can find an event near you on the Hachette website). Book retailers will stock Onyx Storm from 21 January in stores. Don’t overlook independent bookstores, which will likely have copies too.
When do pre-orders ship?
If you can’t attend a midnight event, preorders will start shipping on release day. Depending on where you are shipping your copy from, you may have to wait a couple of days for delivery of your book. You can preorder a copy now on Amazon or at your local book store.
When does the audio book drop?
The Onyx Storm audiobook will debut on 21 January, with Spotify hinting at a midnight release. And no, Spotify says it doesn't launch audiobooks everywhere at the same time. So, the availability of the Onyx Storm audiobook on Spotify will be the same across each country – midnight on 21 January. Rebecca Soler returns as narrator, making this an exciting way to experience the action.
While Spotify’s release time seems firm, availability on other platforms like Audible remains unconfirmed. Keep an eye on your preferred service for updates.
What about the kindle version?
E-book enthusiasts can also expect Onyx Storm on 21 January, but the exact drop time on Kindle hasn’t been confirmed. Typically, Kindle releases sync with audiobook launches, so it’s likely to appear around 3am. Stay tuned for official updates as the date approaches.