For Nyaluak Leth, words transcend their purpose—they become bridges to understanding. The model, poet, student, and activist channels her experiences and aspirations into the art of storytelling, offering a bridge between her community and the world. Through her poetry, Leth illuminates the raw beauty of resilience and the power of connection, weaving personal and universal themes of identity, unity, and justice. Her voice, shaped by the challenges of migration and the enduring love she holds for her people, carries a resonance that’s impossible to ignore.
Books have become a source of inspiration in Leth’s life, deeply shaping her art and her connection to words, though her relationship with reading wasn’t always easy. As a child, she struggled to find joy in books, often feeling distant from the stories they offered. It wasn’t until later in life that books began to resonate with her, offering transformative moments and becoming a part of her creative journey.
From the life lessons she found in The Power of Now to the poetry in Eternal Sunshine by Lonrelle, her literary journey is as layered as her art. She draws inspiration from icons like Maya Angelou and treasures the books that have shaped her vision—those that challenged her to grow, reflect, and dream bigger. Whether recounting her earliest encounters with stories or reflecting on the ones that shifted her perspective entirely, Leth’s relationship with literature is deeply intertwined with her activism and identity.
Below, Nyaluak Leth shares her most cherished reads, the books that shaped her life, and why she believes words hold the power to transform our world.
The last book I read …
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
On my bedside table: I am currently reading …
Home & Exile by Chinua Achebe
My favourite book of all time …
Is … Gifted Hands by Ben Carson. Something so special about that book – really woke up a different type of vision for my life.
The literary character I most identify with is …
Although I work in a Library, I don’t read much – if any – fiction books if I’m being honest. But if I had to say – I tent to identify with every black character in almost every children’s book I’ve read while shelving.
The book that changed my life is …
How to Win Friends and Influence People. A gift from my eldest brother while I was studying at Uni. After reading it cover to cover over and over, I packed my bags, and booked a one way ticket to Sydney to follow all my dreams.
The best book I ever received is…
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho – God, I loved the way I was looking at life while I was lost in those pages back then.
The book I would give as a gift is …
The Power of Now by Echart Tolle.
Growing up, the best book on my bookshelf was …
I didn’t read much as a child – never really liked it much – matter of fact, I hated reading. I really struggled a lot in school, but I remember the first novel I borrowed from the library when I got to high school – it was THEN by Morris Gleitzman. Let’s just say I swore to never read again for leisure after that.
A writer I admire the most is….
Maya Angelouv & Huda The Goddess.
My favourite living author is …
God. Other than that – I’m still on my journey to finding someone alive who’s words speak to my soul.
A book everyone should read at least once is…
Eternal Sunshine by Lonrelle. This collection of poetry really carried me through a lot in my early 20s. Still does.